About Me
Hi, I'm Mihai, a software developer with experience in a wide range of areas. I'm passionate about creating solutions that solve real problems in elegant ways, both on a technical and user experience level. I care deeply about collaboration, teams, quality, and personal/team growth.
Many of the software systems being produced today are E-type (embedded), this means that they are not only affected by their environment, but in turn affect that environment. For such systems to thrive, growth and agility must be baked into them. As such, work needs to be optimized for flow efficiency and feedback loops. I'm always searching for ways to grow personally, my team, and our practices in order to best build and maintain such systems.
I strive to always be as honest and straightforward as possible while leveraging my compassion and empathy for others. Feedback is always something that's welcome with me! I am still learning all the time so I'm always looking to improve.
On a personal level: I'm a Father, a partner, often a friend, a gamer, a D&D DM, and many other things! I like to read ridiculous amounts of sci-fi and fantasy novels (I have over 900 books marked as read on my Goodreads account, those are just the ones I remember reading), I play (mediocre) guitar, and am terrible at anything else requiring manual dexterity.
This site is currently still under construction as I'm redoing it to be a bit more human focused (as opposed to my more index optimized resume) and to create space for some blogging. If you have any feedback for me about the current state of things please visit my contact page and let me know.
Thank you for coming by to visit,